
(Often Nominateded questions)


  1. Really advertised by You services of acquaintances are free?

      ;Yes, both registration, and participation in these services - free. However there is restriction on amount examined at day of announcements, which leaves if pay small amount.But this not without fall.

  2. I want to write letter to person, живущему abroad, which announcement has found in service of acquaintances, but I do not know foreign language

      Use free it-лайн translator on search server altavista.com or популярной программой < href="http://www.translate.ru/rus/">PROMT.

  3. Really by means of partner's program of services of acquaintances possible to earn? Pay they earned money?

      Yes. In the opinion of many вебмастеров, this one of the the most best sponsors in интернете. Cheques are always sent in time. Look At отсканированный cheque, received from this program, You may here

  4. Я do not want at registrations beside sponsor to indicate its home адрес.

      Арендуйте on ближайшем the post office customer box and indicate its address.

  5. I do not want at registrations beside sponsor to indicate its present a name and фамилию.

      This necessary since cheque is именным by document, but at reception on him money necessary will present the passport.

  6. How fill the form of registration beside спонсора?

      Латинскими letters.

  7. What image earned money (the cheque) get to me in hands?

      For month on Your count beside sponsor are accumulated earned You money. At achievement of minimum amount (20 dollars by default, or that, which You will reference in registration given), You usual mail will is deported the bank check, on which is typed Your name and amount.

  8. I do not know, how cash on cheque .

      This possible do in any bank, taking cheques from foreign banks on encashment. The Period обналичивания usually occupies 2-4 weeks.

  9. There is beside You other like ready сайты, which possible also copy and earn with their help?

      There is. You may look most current versions "business-сайтов for all" here.

  10. I can change the design, ссылки and etc. Your сайта?

      You may change the exterior and contents сайта as please to добится the maximum incom.

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